Bank: ČSOB, Anglicka 20, Praha 2
Bank connection: 277956099 / 0300
Variable symbol: Your phone number.
Account name: INOMNIA – e-shop
IBAN: CZ06 0300 0000 0002 7795 6099
Authorized account user: OKSANA CHALOUPKOVÁ
The course takes place every second monday of every month. Please select the desired date.
You will learn techniques on each other as it is important for you to see right and wrong moves. Before the course starts let your own hair grow to a length of about 5 mm. After the course you will be completely hair free. You will learn the sugar paste technique, you will try waxing legs, arms, underarms, face, eyebrows and bikini line.
The course includes:
Dates for 2020: 3.2.2020, 2.3.2020, 6.4.2020, 4.5.2020, 1.6.2020, 6.7.2020, 3.8.2020, 7.9.2020, 5.10.2020, 2.11.2020, 7.12.2020
The duration of the course is about 5 hours.
Beginning of the course is usually 9:00, unless stated otherwise. End by success and your wishes.